Vince Gallagher


Vince Gallagher is an author, speaker, and a longtime supporter of Romero Center Ministries. Vince has been speaking to our Urban Challenge groups on themes related to social justice and spiritualty. He has even used these presentations to write some beautiful and insightful books.

If you would like Vince to speak at your event, school, or parish, please contact us and we will put you in contact with Vince.

Below are links to Vince's wonderful books.


The True Cost of Low Prices

This second edition of The True Cost of Low Prices: The Violence of Globalization examines the effects of globalization on the earth’s poorest and most vulnerable people within the context of scripture and church teaching. The text engages the reader with stories of the women, men, and children living in poverty who have experienced both the promise of the global economy and its troubling outcomes.


Sowing Sacred Seeds

Jesus message was simple and pointed in the direction of others. This book is not meant to be a quick read. It is a wonderful resource for the journey of transformation, calling out to be read again and again. It speaks of living a life full of passion and compassion, truly committed to living justly and to call others to do so.

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There’s a Fire Inside

THERE’S FIRE INSIDE is a story of transformation, healing, courage, compassion, freedom and a deepening hunger for God. There’s a rhythm to his story as Vince shares reflections from trips to Haiti, silent retreats, and everyday encounters with the Divine. Vince shares his vulnerability, sorrows, tears and the joy he has encountered on his journey to an awakening of the Kingdom of which Jesus spoke so much.

We can’t do it without you

Romero Center Ministries relies on supporters like you to ensure that we remain a place that invites “actions on behalf of justice and participation in the transformation of the world.” (U.S. Catholic Bishops, 1971).

All donations to Romero Center Ministries are fully tax-deductible.

You may also mail donations payable to Romero Center Ministries to:

St. Joseph Pro-Cathedral
Romero Center Ministries
2907 Federal Street
Camden, NJ 08105